Friday, September 21, 2007

How do they know???

So, I go to load up one of my favorite sites this evening, and I'm greeted with the following banner ad:

I know that they try to target internet advertising, I just can't believe how good its gotten! How did they know?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Black Comedy

Since my last post, the following things have happened to me (in chronological order):

1) The transmission in my car broke. (Since fixed under warranty)
2) Somebody started writing tons of checks in my name and I've been having to deal with identity theft.
3) I got a black eye after walking into an open dumpster lid that I didn't see (was looking down at my phone while walking along). It still hurts a week later.
4) I came down with a cold.

Clearly, I have pissed off the gods.

The thing is, at this point, it is all just sort of funny. If the last few months of my life were portrayed in a movie people would laugh, but would find it completely unbelievable.

So I laugh cause its funny, but at the same time, seriously, fuck everybody; this shit is getting old.