Saturday, December 8, 2007

Seriously, Fuck 2007

Evidently this year hasn't finished getting the last of its digs in on me. While on my way to my company's holiday party this evening I was rear ended. I was stopped in traffic on 280, when a pickup truck slammed into the car behind me (also stopped) which forced it into me. Ouch. Neck hurts a little bit, but I'm basically fine, so no worries there.

The really awesome part is that I, literally, am just about to sell the fucking thing. This will make it harder to sell, and worth less when I do. You can imagine how thrilled I am. The worst part of all of it though is the amount of time it is sure to consume dealing with car repairs and insurance, etc, etc...

With the exception of the one outstanding highlight of making a rather fantastic new friend, this year has seriously sucked. I can't wait for 2008.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Foul Fowl

Generally speaking, noise doesn't really bother me while I'm sleeping (or trying to). This is a good thing as I live in a relatively busy part of the city amidst a constant backdrop of cars, horns, sirens, neighbors banging about and sundry other sounds. However, I have recently discovered a new disturbance that seems to cut right through everything. It reaches down through the hazy mists of my slumber and grabs me, pulling me suddenly, rudely into the harsh and unwelcome state of consciousness.

This is the sound of pigeons getting it on.

I live in the pigeon red light district of San Francisco; the pigeons outside my window are the porn stars of the avian world. Their noisy cooing is ridiculous, dirty and offensive. They make me feel like a priest in a brothel. I get hot under the collar and want to start preaching about fire and brimstone, damning them to hell for their salacious behavior.

Mostly though, I just don't like being woken up by the sounds of passionate animalistic sex when I, myself, am not getting any.

I'll have my revenge though, sooner or later any pigeons dumb enough to sleep near my window will get whats coming to them. ;-)

Friday, September 21, 2007

How do they know???

So, I go to load up one of my favorite sites this evening, and I'm greeted with the following banner ad:

I know that they try to target internet advertising, I just can't believe how good its gotten! How did they know?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Black Comedy

Since my last post, the following things have happened to me (in chronological order):

1) The transmission in my car broke. (Since fixed under warranty)
2) Somebody started writing tons of checks in my name and I've been having to deal with identity theft.
3) I got a black eye after walking into an open dumpster lid that I didn't see (was looking down at my phone while walking along). It still hurts a week later.
4) I came down with a cold.

Clearly, I have pissed off the gods.

The thing is, at this point, it is all just sort of funny. If the last few months of my life were portrayed in a movie people would laugh, but would find it completely unbelievable.

So I laugh cause its funny, but at the same time, seriously, fuck everybody; this shit is getting old.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Communist Subversion

I am working on moving to San Francisco to investigate the International Communist Conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our Precious Bodily Fluids..... and perhaps to enjoy imbibing a number of other fluids at the numerous local bars. I am checking out a few places over the coming week or so, and if I'm lucky, I'll move in before October!

I am very much looking forward to seeing a lot more of all of my friends and family. Really hard to get people to come down and visit in the south bay for some reason.... I can't figure it out.... ;-P
