Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What I Think of Berkeley Politics

I did not write this, but the fellow who did said it pretty much exactly how I would have. I can't say it any better, so I'll just associate myself with his/her remarks.

Pretty much sums up why despite loving the place, I can never live there again.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Change of Pace

Thought that I would mix things up here for a moment.

Something that may surprise people who read this blog but don't know me (probably nobody, but you never know) is that I actually really love this country. Which, ironically, is why I'm usually so critical of it; I know that it can do better, especially than it has over the past eight years. Also, generally speaking, writing about things that are good typically isn't that interesting. Sometimes you have to make an exception.

So I'm sitting at home with the Olympics on, its men's gymnastics, and it is amazing to watch people from so many different parts of the world competing. The Chinese are amazing of course, as are the Russians, the Indians, and some other assorted Europeans; I can't help but have this big shit eating grin because every single one of them has an American flag on his uniform. All of the other teams all look identical, but ours looks identical to all the other teams combined. Thats fucking awesome.

Also, Dara Torres is my hero. Most of the girls she is racing weren't even born yet when she won her first olympic medal back in 1984; they haven't caught up with her yet.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It Am Only Thing To Do!!!

For Great Justice!

Ain't that the fucking truth.

I swear that most of my fellow American's are like goldfish; nothing beyond the most basic short term memory, and virtually no brains to speak of at all. :-P

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thats pretty much the way to do it...

I'm mourning today for somebody that I've never met.

Professor Dr. Randy Pausch died yesterday of complications from pancreatic cancer.

I came to know of him the same way that millions around the world did via his last lecture at Carnegie Mellon. He was a professor of computer science, but his lecture was about life and was given when he only expected to have another five months to live. We all face adversity in our lives; I hope and aspire to be able to handle whatever life throws at me with the same grace and attitude he did.

The video of his last lecture is about 1:15 long, but you owe it to yourselves to block out some time and watch it.

Rest in peace Professor. The world is poorer without you in it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Prescient Satire

Depressing how prophetic The Onion ended up being in an attempt at satire back in January 2001.

You know that something has gone horribly horribly wrong when the most outrageous attempt at hyperbole ends up falling a little bit short of the reality a few short years on.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nooks and Crannies

I absolutely fucking love living in the city. I've been living here for nine months and I'm still discovering awesome new restaurants less than two blocks from my apartment! Just went to a fantastic little Cuban place with a friend of mine today that I had somehow overlooked. Its definitely going on the list of places to frequent.

Still can't believe that it I wasted the previous seven years of my life in the south bay. Tragic.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Comics can be irritatingly precise.

This comic sums up how I think in a disturbingly accurate manner.

How did he get into my head?