Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two Steps Back

We're going to be feeling the damage from the Bush administration for decades to come.

Voting rights were dealt a major blow by the supreme court today.

You can look forward to lots of "voter verification" acts that are specifically targeted at minorities and the underclasses in the coming years.

Fucking Ass Jackals

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here we go again

There is no other reasonable explanation, Ralph Nader is a rabid NeoCon.

I really really hope that he gets hit by a bus, thus ending his campaign to destroy the US and everybody that we'll take down with us.

Seriously, if this guy thinks that running will help advance the causes he purports to believe in, than he is so stupid that it is indistinguishable from malice. Not surprisingly, his running mate is Matt Gonzalez, another guy who is so stupidly, zealously liberal that he is shooting himself and everybody else in the head. Liberal isn't even the right word for it, being liberal is a good thing, these guys are just fucking zealot asshats. Like all zealot asshats, they need to go.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good Move

Was just watching the news when they played a story about how the pope just announced that the catholic church will no longer allow pedophiles to be priests.


Only just now?

These guys are quick.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bush Library???

It occurred to me today that Bush is probably beginning to think about setting up his presidential library as most ex-presidents do. The next thought that occurred to me is: "What the hell is he going to put in it? Its not like he's ever read a book in his life!" Other than the lack of books, its not like he has any documents related to any achievements to put in it (having not had any achievements.... significant movement in a negative direction does not count as an achievement).

Probably just end up being an empty room... much like the space between his ears.