Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two Steps Back

We're going to be feeling the damage from the Bush administration for decades to come.

Voting rights were dealt a major blow by the supreme court today.

You can look forward to lots of "voter verification" acts that are specifically targeted at minorities and the underclasses in the coming years.

Fucking Ass Jackals


The Eel said...

Shades of the end of Reconstruction.
Sigh, why are people such fucking ass holes?

jwfbean said...

Indiana is so backwards, man.

Here in California we've figured out a better way of manipulating the voters.

We get people to sign to put complicated initiatives on the ballot that requires days of studying to really understand, then we hit voters over the head with overly simplistic television commercials over and over and over again for months. Then we tell people to go vote!

The Eel said...

Not even in the same class as what is going on in the south.

jwfbean said...


I thought we were talking Indiana?